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Red Lipsticks Fears !

Red Lipsticks Fears !

An Internet poll showed that one out of five men would prefer a woman wearing red lipstick. But women themselves have mixed feelings about this color: from boundless love to a strongly pronounced fear. Why does this happen? Are these fears well-grounded?

Here is what famous beauty gurus think about the mysterious effects of red color. Tibo Vabr, Creative Director at Clarins, says that back in fifties the red lipstick was the vogue and dominated makeup. Vabr points out that for today’s women it’s their personal attitude to the color that matters. If they think that red color just doesn’t suit them, nobody could try to persuade them otherwise.

The Guerlain’s Creative Director Olivier Echaudemaison thinks differently. He nods to the fact women wore red lipstick to draw attention as early as in ancient times. He encourages every girl and woman to experience the force of this magic color. He adds, though, you have to be on your guard, the situation will certainly get out of control.

Guerlain KissKiss Extreme Red Lipstick

Brothers Caten, designers at Dsquared2 company, made red lipstick the queen of makeup in their last show. “As always we had a long argument while choosing between red and wine shades but at last it dawned upon us. If you have a little black dress in your wardrobe, then why don’t you still have red lipstick in your cosmetics bag? Because in fact these are two musts”.



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