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Lip Liners Collection

Lip Liners Collection

Lip liner is a cosmetic product. It is intended to fill uneven areas on the outer edges of the lips after applying lipstick, therefore giving a smooth shape. The product is usually sold in a retractable tube or pencil form. As an additional effect the lip liner prevents the lipstick applied thereafter from bleeding.
Lip Stain A lip stain is a cosmetic product that contains either water or a gel base. To help the product stay on the lips, many stains may contain alcohol. These lip coloring products are available in a variety of formulas, colors, and application types. The idea behind lip stains is to temporarily saturate the lips with color with a dye, rather than applying a colored wax to the lips to color them. A lip stain is usually designed to be waterproof so that the color will be long lasting, and once the stain dries, it should not smear, stain, wear unevenly, or transfer to the teeth. A lip stain may come in a bottle with an applicator which is used to brush the stain onto the lips, and it can also come in a small jar, with users applying the stain with a finger or a cosmetic brush.

Lip Liner Red & Pink

Mac Lip Liner

Applying Lip Liner

Beautiful Lip Liner Chicks

Brandywine Lip Liners

Candids of Gorgeous Women Lip Liner



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