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“Messy Bun” Hairstyle Type

“Messy Bun” Hairstyle Type


Messy Bun Hairstyle

Aside from a boy cut hair style, a messy bun hairstyle is also a hit this season. It is very hot right now that you can actually turn everyone’s head in your way.

Here are the steps on how to make a messy bun hairstyle:

First, you sweep the front part of your hair to one side and create a fuller crown. Paddle brush both sides of your head to the back of your head using your fingers.

Second, get an elastic rubber band and gather your hair to a loose pony. Make sure that the base of your pony should rest in the middle of the back of your head.

Third, create a pony slightly to create fullness on top of your head and make them in place using a hairspray.

Pin some of the curls in place and then slightly loosen them to make a messy look.



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